Czech, Gluten-Free

Sometimes on my journey in learning Czech, I wished that someone would give me a list, saying, "These are the most commonly used Czech words.  Learn them, and your life will be all the easier for it."  That list never came to me, and I've learned words as I've needed them or come across them: in conversations at work or with friends, in church services and hymns, in grocery stores, in textbooks.  This has been practical and effective for me, though I do admit that there are some words that I do or don't know which might be unexpected.

Charity's necessary Czech lexicon includes the following:

Almonds: mandle
Basil: bazalka
Beet:  červená řepa
Buckwheat: pohanky
Carbohydrates: sacharidy
Chickpeas: cizrna
Cinnamon: skořice
Coconut milk: kokosové mléko 
Cumin: Římský kmín
Curry: kari
Dill: kopr
Eggs: vejce
Flaxseed: lněné semínko
Fat: tuk
Fresh: čerstvý
Garlic: česnek
Gluten-free: bezlepkový
Kohlrabi: kedluben
Healthfood store: zdravá výžíva
Ingredients (as listed on nutritional labels): složení
Leek: pórek
Lentils: čočky
Liver játra
Millet: jáhly
Nettles: kopřiva
Nutmeg: muškátový ořech
Ground: mletý
Oats: oves
Onion: cibule
Organic: bio
Parsley: petržel
Peanuts: arašídy
Protein: bílkoviny
Spelt: špalda 
Spicy: ostrý
Spinach: špenát
Walnuts: valašské ořechy
Wheat: pšenice
Wholegrain: celozrnná
Without sugar: bez cukru

I promise that I know many other useful words and phrases not related to food.  I like to cook and I'm interested in nutrition, resulting in this lexicon.  Practical situations are the best situations for learning.   Similarly, hiking led to a greater knowledge of tree species (dub, buk, bříza, javor, borovice, jedle).  Regular church attendance has taught me words like the following: sláva, spása, Spasitel, následovat, Hospodin, odpuštění, mocný, svatý, láska, milost, hřichy, modlit se.  

Cheers to you on your journeys to fuller vocabularies, be it in your first, second, or eighth language.


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